Metcalf Ministries

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The God of Details: A New Beginning

Can you ever recall a time when you felt like the Holy Spirit just nudged your heart to either give something, say something, or do something? Like you didn’t really know why, but you just felt like you were being told to do it? Did you listen?

A nudge like this came for me last November when I was standing in my kitchen. I felt the Holy Spirit nudge my heart and whisper that He wanted me to give away an amount of money that seemed wild. It was a lot for me.

I wondered who in the world I was going to give this large sum of money to. Then His whisper hit me like a slap in the face:

“I want you to give it to the remodel at church.”

At that time, our pastor told us that we were aiming to remodel and expand church offices. We were in the midst of raising $90,000 for it. I brushed off the nudge for a few weeks, and then one Sunday I asked where we were at in the process of raising the $90,000. I was told that we were a little over half way there.

Oh jeez, I thought. They’ve still got a ways to go. 

So then I prayed to God. I said:

Father, if it comes down to them needing exactly the amount you want me to give, then I’ll do it. I’ll hear you loud and clear.

That very next Sunday Pastor got up there and shared the news:

We were off from our goal by the exact amount I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to give.

My heart started racing, as I knew what I needed to do. I called him that next day, which just so happened to be the day before I put my two weeks in at my old job, and asked him again to be sure.

Are we still off by that much?” I asked.

He responded with a yes, telling me that nobody gave a dime between Sunday and that following day. So somewhat scared out of my wits. I wrote a check for the money and gave it to him that next Sunday.

Time went on, I got a new job, and eventually they wanted to give Tyler and I a tour of the offices they remodeled with that money that was raised. And as we were passing by, I strongly felt the Holy Spirit nudge me again. I felt him repeatedly press upon me:

“That’s going to be your office someday.”

We got out of there, and I told Tyler, “I know this sounds crazy and weird, but God told me that that was going to be my office someday.”

Over the next few months, I continued to ask God to show me how He was going to use that money I gave. I wasn’t asking for it back, but I wanted to know how He was going to bless it and use it in big ways.

That answer to my prayer came a couple of weeks ago when my pastor called me out of the blue and said my name was at the top of the list for a full-time position as the college and youth pastor at our church. I couldn’t believe it.

I always knew I would end up in ministry, but never imagined that an opportunity like this would come up at this point in our lives at a church we absolutely adore that has totally transformed our relationship, community, faith, and lives inside and out. I never imagined that the very offices I contributed to would become my office.

Oh and the offer Pastor gave me? It's a pay increase of the exact amount that I gave seven months ago. 

Isn’t it amazing how God is in the details? How He works all things together for His good? How He has such an amazing, wondrous plan for each and every one of us? How He is so faithful?

Believe that God is in the details of your own life. Believe that He has a plan for your life and that it is good. He loves you, He’s got you, and He is faithful. Listen to those nudges, and keep your ears attuned to what God is telling you each day. You never know how He’ll use them.