Metcalf Ministries

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Letting Go: 5 Ways to Let the Past Be the Past

It’s easy to get wrapped in what-ifs or should-have-beens. It’s easy to dwell on things and wish for changes in our past. It’s easy to replay mistakes in our head over and over again. And it’s easy to hold onto anger towards other people instead of choosing to forgive.

Be still.

All that matters is this moment right now.

The past mistakes, the heartaches, the failures - they’re all in the past. They do not live with you in this moment unless you give them life.

You’re being moved forward. Don’t set yourself back. Dwelling and wishing and worrying and replaying things over and over in your head is only hindering the progress God has in store for you to make. It is restricting you from the glorious present right here and right now.

Here are some things to help you let go and fully accept the present:


Pray about everything. Cast every concern and every worry onto the one who will happily lift it off your shoulders. Thank Him for this day, thank Him for all the blessings He has given you, thank Him for His love and this life. Talk to Him about your worries and baggage. Ask Him to help you forgive. Lay it at His feet. Pour out your heart. Release your pain. Give it to Him who restores all things. Be made new.


Accept what life gives you. Accept your failures, your heartaches, your mistakes. Accept your decisions. Don’t relive them. It’s time to move on. You cannot change the past. It is no longer here. All that matters is how you handle this present moment right here. Accept that life goes on - things will get better.


Forgive those who have hurt you. As hard as it may be, you have to understand that people make mistakes. Sometimes people don’t realize the damage they’ve caused. Jealousy, anger, and bitterness can cause people to do crazy things. Try to understand. Even if they’re not asking for forgiveness, find a way in your heart to forgive. Let it go. Also learn to forgive yourself. Realize that someday you may be the one needing to be forgiven.


Focus on what’s good in life. Focus on your successes, your blessings, and your opportunities. Focus on what you have learned and how that has redirected you. Focus on where you are and where you’re headed, not where you were. Think in the now.


Enjoy this moment - right here, right now. Enjoy the little things. Enjoy the sun and the blue sky and the birds chirping. Enjoy the sunset and the starry night. Enjoy your opportunities and the gifts you have received. Enjoy this gift of life. Be happy in this moment. Love what God has given you and where He’s taking you.

Be still.

Today is your day.

Isaiah 43:18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”