Dear Mom, here are some things you’ve taught me...

Dear Mom, you have taught me a whole lot throughout my almost 23 years. You are an amazing woman, and I wanted to document some things I’ve gained from your wisdom. Here are some things you’ve taught me:

1. How to sacrifice

You’ve always been a living example of how true love requires sacrifice. You’d drop what you needed to if it meant helping one of us. You’d stay up way late to make sure I’d get home safe. You’d get up way early to make sure we’d get to where we needed to on time. You’ve always gone out of your way to make sure the ones you loved are cared for.

2. How to be strong

There have been very few times that I’ve seen you cry… but your strength goes beyond that. You are always giving, never asking. You are always believing, never doubting. You are always strong, never wavering. And you are always grounded in that strength.

3. How to be there

You have shown me how to just be present. To show up for those around me. You never failed to make it to one of my concerts or games. Simply being there for people makes all the difference in the world, and you showed me how to do that.

4. How to not live in fear

You’ve always taught me that you can’t live in fear. I’ve heard it over and over again. Whenever I was on the fence about something or scared, you always reminded me that fear wasn’t an option. Now I get to remind my husband and teach our future kids that :)

5. How to be content

I can sometimes tend to get antsy, but there are very few times where I’ve seen you unsettled or discontented with life. You always seem to be even-keel and ready to roll with what life brings. I’m still working on it for sure, but contentedness was learned from you.

6. How to pay attention

You’ve always had a knack for paying attention to our needs. Even the smallest of needs too. Every time I was getting close to running out my favorite cereal, you were always on top of it. Anytime I needed a uniform washed, you had it washed and laid out. Those details you paid attention to made me feel so loved. Thank you.

7. How one person matters

You’ve always reminded me of the power of one. When I feared something wouldn’t make a difference or I worried I wasn’t doing enough, you reminded me that there is power in one person. That if what I do even impacts one, that could make all the difference. Thanks to you, I try to remind myself of that every day.

8. How to not dwell

You know me - I am a DWELLER. I tend to not want to let go. But you are the QUEEN of moving on, I swear. I can remember me getting frustrated at something that was said, but you always finding a way to move past it. You showed me how to let go.

9. How to listen

You always give your full attention to what someone is saying. And not only that, but you care about what they’re saying. When I would tell you all my dreams or plans, you always had an attentive ear and encouraging heart.

10. How to serve

If I had to describe you in one word, I would say that you are a servant. And that is exactly the word that I hope to be remembered for as well. You are always finding ways to serve the ones you love and always fighting for them. You go out of your way to make sure the people around you are served, and I really hope that someday my kids see me the same way I see you.

So thank you, Mom. You’re the best. Happy Mother’s Day.


To The One Going Through a Storm


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