Why Your Work is Holy As a Wife & Mom

A while ago I had a reel go viral about the holy work of marriage and motherhood. It was one of those moments where I realized how deeply this message resonates, especially with other women and moms. The idea that the roles we hold—whether as a wife, a mother, or both—are not just tasks but divine callings, was something I had never fully understood until I found myself in those roles. So, I wanted to take a moment to unpack this truth and explore why marriage and motherhood are so holy and so essential in God’s eyes.

If the world truly understood the significance of marriage and parenting, I believe it would change the way we approach life. We’d stop chasing after more success, more accolades, more money, and more things. Instead, we’d realize that a lasting impact can be made by simply stewarding our relationships with greater intentionality. But why? Why is your work as a wife and a mom holy? The answer lies in the fact that marriage and motherhood are reflections of the Gospel itself. They are designed by God to display His character and His redemptive work in the world.

The Power of a God-Honoring Marriage

Let’s start with marriage. The Bible teaches us that marriage is a reflection of Christ’s relationship with His Church. When we look at marriage through the lens of God’s Word, we realize that our role as wives goes beyond the practical, everyday tasks. Our marriage is meant to display promise, covenant, sacrificial love, and oneness.

1. Marriage Displays Promise:
In marriage, we make a promise to our spouse before God and our loved ones. This promise is not just a fleeting vow; it is a commitment to love and cherish one another through all circumstances. Just as God makes promises to His people and keeps them, our marital vows reflect His unwavering faithfulness to us. Our ability to keep our promises, to stay committed, and to love our spouse through thick and thin speaks volumes about God’s character and His love for His Church.

2. Marriage is a Covenant Relationship:
Marriage is not just a contract; it’s a covenant. A covenant is a binding agreement, one that mirrors the covenants God has made with His people throughout Scripture. As wives, we enter into this covenant with our husbands not just as a formality but as a spiritual bond that reflects God’s faithfulness to us. When we honor our marriage, we honor God’s covenantal nature.

3. Marriage Showcases Christ’s Sacrificial Love:
One of the most profound aspects of marriage is its ability to display sacrificial love. Ephesians 5:25 calls husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church, and wives are called to respect their husbands. In marriage, we are constantly laying down our lives for one another, reflecting the sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated on the cross. Every act of selflessness—whether it’s forgiving a hurt, serving our spouse, or supporting their dreams—echoes Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for us.

4. Marriage Displays Oneness:
Marriage is meant to reflect the oneness between Christ and His Church. Just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, the Bible teaches that in marriage, two become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). This oneness is not just physical but emotional, spiritual, and relational. It’s about becoming a unified force that brings glory to God.

Motherhood: A Reflection of Christ’s Love and Sacrifice

Motherhood, in many ways, mirrors the work of Christ in our lives. As moms, we lay down our lives daily for our families, often in ways that are unseen. But just because the work isn’t always visible doesn’t mean it’s any less holy. In fact, the work you’re doing as a mother is the kind of sanctifying, soul-shaping work that God has called you to do, and it’s a reflection of His love for us.

1. Motherhood is Holy and Sanctifying Work:
Motherhood is sanctifying. It is a constant process of refining, where our patience, grace, and character are put to the test every day. It’s through motherhood that God shapes us to become more like Christ. Every sacrifice, every moment of patience, every act of service is part of God’s process of sanctification.

2. Laying Down Your Life, Just as Jesus Did:
Just as Jesus laid down His life for us, so too do we lay down our lives for our families. Every day we choose to serve, to care, to nurture, and to sacrifice for our children. We lay down our own desires, comfort, and convenience for the sake of their well-being. This is holy work, and it honors God.

3. Breaking Your Body to Bring Beauty into the World:
In the same way that Jesus broke His body for our redemption, mothers break their bodies for the beauty of life—whether through the physical act of childbirth or the emotional and mental energy spent raising children. Motherhood is a beautiful reflection of how God gave of Himself to bring us into relationship with Him.

4. Teaching and Discipling Every Day:
Just as Jesus raised disciples, mothers raise and disciple their children. Every conversation, every lesson, every moment of guidance is an opportunity to shape the next generation for Christ. When we teach our children how to love God, how to serve others, and how to live with integrity, we are doing the work of discipleship.

5. Feeding the Hungry and Healing the Sick:
As Jesus fed the hungry and healed the sick, mothers provide nourishment for their families and care for their little ones when they’re unwell. Whether it’s a warm meal or a comforting hug, we become the hands and feet of Jesus in our homes.

6. Expressing Unconditional Love:
Just as Jesus loves us unconditionally, we express that same love to our children every day. Motherhood is about showing love regardless of behavior, attitude, or circumstances. Our love becomes a picture of Christ’s relentless and unconditional love for His people.

7. Understanding the Misunderstood:
Jesus always sought to understand those who were misunderstood or rejected by society. As mothers, we do the same, especially when we comfort our children in their moments of confusion, frustration, or pain. We are called to reflect Christ’s empathy and compassion in those tender moments.

Every Day is Holy Work

So, to every wife and mother reading this, I want you to stop downplaying your role. Every single day, you are an image of God to the next generation. You are reflecting Christ’s character through your sacrificial love, your care, and your discipleship. Every dish you wash, every shirt you fold, every kiss you give, every meal you prepare—it is holy work.

Your marriage is holy work. Your motherhood is holy work. And all of it points to the beautiful truth that, in Christ, everything we do can be an act of worship. So the next time you feel overwhelmed or underappreciated, remember this: You are a reflection of Christ, and the work you do is not just a task—it’s a calling, a ministry, and a holy work that God has entrusted to you.


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